
Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year, New Outlook

So, Farley got me thinking about her OLW (over at Oh Boy, Fourth Grade!) and what mine is.


I seriously felt like the best little second grade teacher in the world this past week, because of that word.
I have a knack for new year's reslutions, and I can usually make it until March, (which, considering most people's records, I'd say that's pretty darn good) but I decided that wasn't good enough this year.

So, I vowed to stay organized and on top of my you-know-what. I've been super terrible with all the extra work the county has piled on this year about staying on my A-game!

So let's see how order is playing a part in my life:

1. I have a schedule for what I accomplish each afternoon once our contract hours are over.

Yep, that means that I won't start 60 projects in one afternoon (you know you do the same thing--don't judge me) and never complete any of them. I think coming in around 7-7:30 and then promising to leave by 5 is reasonable--don't you?

2. I'm e-mailing one parent each day to keep them in the loop of how things are going.  Since I have 29 (one of my babies moved right before break :o( *sad face*), I have to double up on Fridays and Mondays--but then they get an update each month, instead of only when things are going bad.
This is part of my plan to stay positive, too... which is hard in a world of negative Nancys and Neds!

3. My organized guided reading table/desk!!!!!!! I wish I had taken a picture of it on Friday because it is about the prettiest darn thing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!! (sorry for all my !!!, but I'm just so exited!) I promise to take pictures of things, maybe with my fancy-pants new camera that Momma and Daddy got me for Christmas (geeked doesn't even begin to describe my love for it)!!

4. Schedules for every subject. With 30 29 kids in my class, it's hard to make sure I stay on target with meeting with all of them. So I started creating schedules. For everything. And it was the BEST thing I could have done. For Guided Reading, I have 7 groups of kiddos... it's a lot to manage!

<><> <><> <><> <><>

Group 5

Group 2

Group 5

Group 5

Group 5

Group 2

Group 1

Group 2

Group 1

Group 2

Group 7

Group 4

Group 7

Group 4

Group 7

Group 3

Group 6

Group 3

Group 6

Group 1

Then I scheduled out who I will meet with in writing each day. And finally, I'm grading my papers during my planning period (when I don't have meetings) right before math, so I know exactly who to remediate with. Ahh-it feels so good!

and last, this is my favorite:

5. Using OneNote for school. Seriously. If you haven't used OneNote. *squeal*  It's a gem. You're missing out. Big time. I'm in love. Don't tell Justin.

It's like a binder. On your computer. So no papers to tear. No huge binders (although I'm going to miss mine terribly--they just look so darn pretty sitting on my shelves!). No needing 6 shelves of space to hold all of the curriculum and worksheets and cute stuff printed from Pinterest and TPT and blogs. Everything. In one. Neat. Place. And if you like making things pretty (which I do, duh), you can! I made a binder for me. A binder for our CLT-very professional-information. A binder for my team's lesson plans we plan out together in said CLTs. And it's all in one place. And it's saved on our server in school. I'm so in love. So are my teammates. (We can all have it open at once and be able to work on it. At the same time!) Which makes me love it more.

And that's what's keeping order for me at school. And I'm so thankful, because I felt like I was the BEST teacher ever this week.

1. When Justin and I go grocery shopping we I started making a list of meals I want to make for 2 weeks, and I make a list of all the ingredients I absolutely NEED.

THEN we go shopping for everything. Then I chop up any veggies that won't keep that I'll need for some of the recipes, and I stick 'em in the freezer. ;o) Thank you, Pinterest!
Pinned Image

2. I was feeling claustrophobic. In my own apartment. I bought organizers with my gift cards from the kiddos for Christmas. I went to Michael's and bought those awesome scrapbook cubes (at 50% off, plus my teacher discount, plus my teacher coupon from my e-mail--woo hoo!!) and put all my stuff in it.  I feel better now. :-)

3. Spending more time with Justin. It may seem a little silly, but work was getting the best of me, and  I was getting frustrated with him when I was really frustrated with work. So now, I vent to him, and we watch Jeopardy together (I always kick his butt). I love him. And I can't wait to marry him. And wedding planning is the pits. For anyone who is interested. I love looking for ideas. Paying for them is a different story.

And for myself, I'm starting grad school, and getting into the wedding planning, so during my free time on the weekends (when is that you ask? near never.), I'm trying to get that stuff done. To reduce my stress (and therefore weight gain), I've been eating better at lunch, and we're not eating out except Saturday and Sunday. Yep, one of us cooks each night. I've lost 3 pounds. In a week. It feels AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So order is it. Every day, every hour, every minute. I feel great. Happy new year to you and your OLW!

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