Back in November...
When I had PT conferences, grad school applications due, grades to turn in, and everything else going on.
So, when we had our 2 teacher work days coming up, I had a plan: DO YOUR GRADES EARLY! No, seriously, I did. And that way, I had my time. Mostly.
And you know what?? I FINALLY finished!!! So, I had to share what my classroom looks like now.
And if you know me, at all, you know that I also like to move my furniture around, which I did this time, too.

This is our writing area, where they can get any supplies they need for their stories, and I'll be adding paper trays next week so they have the paper more organized. I love my little drawer (thank you, Pinterest!!) thing. The kids love having it all labeled, and they can find everything super easily!
Here's the classroom library (don't mind the mess in some, I was only partway through!!), where I'm very blessed to have acquired so many books over my five years of teaching so far. I've gathered books from home (now that my brother is growing out of them), from retired teachers, from parents who clean out home libraries, and from my Scholastic purchases! I love my library, and I'll show you how I organize it next week! Back in the corner are my Daily 5 posters and pillows for the kiddos to lay on during Read to Self time. We also have a hamper full of stuffed animals that we can read with. :o) Thank you, Kohl's for your $5 Kohl's Cares program!
Here's my Guided Reading table area, where I keep all of my stuff organized. I love my Pinterest drawer organizer, so so much. And I love my coworker, Lesley for showing me how she organized her GR books for her groups... it makes my life so much easier! As I pull books for different purposes, I put them in the baskets for each group, and then I pull the books I use for the week into their folders in my little basket (which I also love!!)

And some last little things to spruce everything up... like my hall passes, which I'm in love with, and the kids don't lose!!! (yay!) We also have our Croc Stock holder (our PBIS program that our county calls PBS instead...), and our buckets! I love the bucket filler program, and the books to go with it!! And... through the window of the door, you can see our odd and even houses (again, thank you Pinterest!), which need to be replaced with our fact family houses soon.
I'll leave you with the last 2 pictures of the overview of the room, with all their chairs stacked. (And yes, those are bright orange stability balls we sit on for GR--I got 22 of them through last year, but with 30 kids this year, we couldn't use them all!) Happy Sunday!
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